MobiWise aims to enhance mobility in the cities, both for commuters and for tourists, through the development of a 5G platform that encompasses an access infrastructure filled with sensors, people and vehicles. The project will connect any sensor, person and vehicle, and will use all possible information to improve the user mobility, through a complete network and services platform for an Internet of Things real deployment in a smart city.
Although the IT headquarters are in Lisbon, participation in this program is made by the units of Aveiro and Porto, so apart from alignment with the RIS3 for Lisbon region, the program has a strong alignment with areas of national R&D smart specialization.
In this sense the Project considers that it is aligned with the axes:
The project is considered aligned with the axis NUT II Lisbon of research, since the formation of this consortium aims to promote the consolidation of research teams countering fragmentation logic and ensuring critical mass. It also considers that, in addition to being aligned with the 'Technologies: Information and Communication Systems' axis, it is also aligned with the 'Support the development and testing of innovative solutions' axis, namely in the promotion of innovative mobility solutions, innovative sensors, distributed edge cloud, SDN and optimization, and sustainability through its demonstrators.
Since its results will have direct impact on improving traffic management, monitoring and providing information to ensure greater security, high energy efficiency, and better quality of life to those who move in the city. The project results will have direct impact on improving traffic management, monitoring and providing information to ensure greater security, high energy efficiency, and better quality of life to those who move in the city, through the knowledge of the city life (people, sensors and vehicles) and through eco-routing applications to improve the mobility of the citizens, and in a consequence, the transportation. MobiWise improves efficiency in urban mobility and thereby contributing to the reduction of the energy and carbon intensity by promoting a more sustainable urban mobility with a rebalancing in favour of public transport and soft modes.
The system is an ICT system that will give special attention and contributions to the areas of the Internet of Things, Cloud and Software Defined Networks, developing a 5G architecture taking into consideration specific security requirements imposed by such kind of systems, to which the project will give special attention. It will develop remote and secure access mechanisms to new devices and platforms, making use of technology and protocol standards used on the internet, leveraging opportunities associated with cloud computing and the Internet of Things, the creation of integrated systems for optimized network management, infrastructure and equipment, construction solutions centered on securing "big data" for different scientific and societal applications, as well as robust systems of digital security guarantee.
Tourism, the eco-routing approach and the applications on the pilots will address both commuters and tourists, which imposes special attention to the requirements that this population places to the information system of cities. Specifically to tourists, the project will find the modes of transportation and routes for the tourists with low pollution. This will include the touristic places and schedules of shows in the city, as well as the pollution emissions in the paths (more healthy paths will be suggested).